Support and Resources for Students
This website serves as a central clearinghouse to help you find needed student support and resources.
If you do not have access to the technology you need to participate in virtual classes because of a financial reason, visit the Economic Crisis Response Team website and fill out the request form to learn your options for technology resources.
Check out the new "Learning Online 101" tutorial in your Canvas "Courses" tab!
New to online learning? Bad experiences in the past? This Canvas tutorial will help you make the most of your online courses through four self-paced modules with lots of advice, resources, and testimonials from students and faculty. Go to canvas.sdsu.edu to find "Learning Online 101" in your Courses tab!
Counseling & Psychological Services
Most advising is now through non-face-to-face methods such as phone, email, and Zoom. Learn the latest about advising at the college and university levels.
Need off-campus or on-campus access to academic software or the internet? Technical support for computing needs? Check here!
Learn the latest about online tutoring through the Writing Center and the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center, research assistance through Library and Information Access, and more.
If you need support with schedule changes, addressing a conflict that is related to academics or need accommodations based on a documented disability, find direct links to resources and services here.
Find information on how to obtain your physical or digital textbooks for your courses.
The SDSU Library is committed to providing students and faculty the services they require for coursework and research in a safe environment. Always check the SDSU Library website for the most up-to-date information.
Well-being & Health Promotion continues to deliver one-on-one, group presentations, and online learning opportunities on topics like healthcare, sexual health, nutrition, financial well-being and others.